Design Pack

Design Generator Info Pack

Alongside our creative workshops, Mesh Mash is running the design generator, a new way to connect for emerging young designers and artists from the western suburbs who are keen to be part of the Mesh Mash story.

Printing picture.jpg

We are looking for creative young people to develop designs for the Mesh Mash product range that address one or more of the following themes:


1.    Natural Environment

Under this theme we are looking for artworks that explore biodiversity; examples include flora, fauna and images of our coastal, wetland landscapes. Works under this theme will be selected by the Mesh Mash crew.


2.    Social, Political and Environmental

We are looking for work that responds to social, political and environmental themes which could be expressed in the form of text, drawing, collage, poem or composition of images. Works under this theme will be selected by the Mesh Mash crew.

3. Open category


Deadline for design submissions is currently 5th of October.

We are always looking for new fresh designs for our range, so watch this space!


Design Pack Information

Designs can be provided as sketches, collages, graphic compositions or photographs. The design will need to be scaled and prepared to become a one or two colour print.


Tips for creating screen print ready artwork:

–   Use a black pen or marker to create artwork final to create clean and clear lines

–   If using collage use contrast for the best positive/ negative balance

–   Use appropriate language

–   Use your own ideas

–   Create a design appropriate/ suitable to our product range

–   Create a design within the parameters of the theme (s) nominated or selected.

–   Limit to one or two colour


Here are some examples of effective one and two colour print designs:

Bike Alex Hotchin, Peace Tom Civil, Bird Foundation CrewCat Celeste Potter

Collage and Rubbings:

There are a variety of ways to create textures from existing surfaces. This is a link to using industrial landscapes to create print designs.


Performprint: Using alternative printing techniques Performprint use carved skateboard wheels rolled through ink into to create designs.


Design examples: 

The following images of Mesh Mash's designs can be used as examples of categorizing different designs under the suggested themes. 

1. Natural Environment

Hand cut stencil by Foundation crew, Photocopy leaf by Miriam, Illustration Jordie O'Connor

2. Environmental, Social and Political

Illustration of Train by Georgia, Digital artwork Justin Tumiliar, Illustration by Ashlea Hoenig 

There are no limits to how many designs an individual or collective can submit.  A fee of $50 is paid for selected designs and artists will be credited for their works.

To Submit your Design

 ·      Fill in your details and sign the Design Generator Application Form and along with your design email to

 ·      Designs must be no larger than A4

        (21 X 29.7)

 ·      Sent as a resolution of no less than


 ·      Files are to submitted as a jpg. pdf

        or tiff.

Please note: Mesh Mash retains the rights to adjust the final design to assure the best quality outcome for print production.

NO Deadline for design submissions! The project is open all year for 2019


Design Generator Application Form





Title of Artwork:

What inspired this Artwork (optional)




Terms and Conditions:

This Agreement of Design Use will be made effective as of (date)…………………………….. Between the parties of Mesh Mash social enterprise of 54 Woods Street, Laverton, 3028 and (name)…………………………………………………….

This Agreement will commence on the date of signing and be terminated after two years after.

Mesh Mash social enterprise reserves the right to use the proposed design for a 24-month period, this may alter with 30 days’ notice given from Mesh Mash.

In this Agreement, the above signed is granting the following to Mesh Mash Social Enterprise:

1. Reproduction of the design on any form of branding, advertising and merchandise acquired by the Mesh Mash social enterprise.

2. The selling of products and merchandise with the design. All proceeds from these sales will be acquired by Mesh Mash social enterprise and distributed throughout the social enterprise to meet social purpose objectives in our pathway programs.

3. Minor alterations such as the colour of the design, cropping and size may be made by the Mesh Mash social enterprise.

4. The artist understand that an artist fee is paid for the development of the design work in collaboration with Mesh Mash, and that no further remuneration will be available or expected.

The artist however retains copyright of their work and will be credited accordingly as a collaborator. The use of the design may be used by the signed artists, however it is asked that if the design will be for a similar use (printed on products for sale) that Mesh Mash Social Enterprise is notified.

I………………………………………….. will abide by the conditions outlined in the above agreement.



Mesh Mash Social Enterprise Representative:


Note: If you are under the age of 18 we require a signature from a parent or guardian